How to build a reverse proxy

Gustav Sundin
In this blog post I will describe how you can deploy services on the same server. The server will be fronted by an NGINX instance acting as a reverse proxy responsible for forwarding incoming traffic to the right service. I will use an EC2 instance on AWS since it has a low monthly cost and I don’t have to worry about hardware maintenance at all, but you can use the same approach for any kind of server.

Minimize Java Lambda cold start times

Gustav Sundin
If you have ever run Java inside a lambda function on AWS, you will have noticed the quite significant cold start times that comes with spinning up the JVM environment. In this post, I will discuss some different tricks you can use to minimize these cold start times. The problem with cold starts arises when there are no “warm” lambda available to handle an incoming request, which usually happens whenever an endpoint experiences a large and sudden spike in traffic.

Migrating data between DynamoDB tables

Gustav Sundin
When setting up a new DynamoDB table, an important decision is to decide what primary key to use. However, it’s not uncommon to not have the full picture up front and therefore it could be hard to make the right decision beforehand. While the official AWS documentation states that “you shouldn’t start designing your schema for DynamoDB until you know the questions it will need to answer”, you often need to experiment to be able to discover what those questions are.