
Welcome to my blog on software engineering!

In my daily work as a software engineer, I read and think a lot on various topics and also write a lot of notes as I do so. My main goal with this website is to gather some of my notes in a single place and in a slightly more readable format. By making everything public it feels like I force myself into cultivating my thoughts and ideas into a more concrete form. It also feels like a great opportunity to share some of my findings and thoughts with anyone that is interested. If you read something here and finds it enlightening, that would come as a huge bonus to me!

Some of the writing present here will be my own thoughts and some will be the summarized ideas from other eminent writers, practitioners and thinkers. I will try to clearly mark whenever something is not my own creation and cite proper sources where possible. If you spot any mistakes I’ve made, feel free to correct me by issuing a pull request to my Github repo.